Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Let me try!

Let me try,
to collapse
the banal dreams,
which I & you created.
Which burdened my mind,
after you failed to realize,
thou were alive.

Let me try,
to abscond,
from thou world,
just for some time,
to hide my pains,
to heal my mind,
to cry my heart
until I find a new life.

Let me try,
to be brave,
so that
I can face
everyone like you,
during  thy life.

Let me try
to burnish the dreams,
which are mine
& only mine.

Let me try
to write
my words
so you can know,
she is alive
with her dreams,
she is polite
with her obdurate limbs,
she can fly
with her own wings,
she can survive
with her reverent learning's,
she can create
her own spring,
She can trust
her latent feelings.

Yeah! let me try,
just let me try.