Saturday, October 31, 2015

Everything needs to be written!

Image source:

"God Bramha writes everything about us the day we get fertilized from an ovum and a sperm", the common saying in Hinduism. Whether I was supposed to be an engineer or I am writing this article, God Bramha knew everything about me. Each and every letters I write and the intervals I spend in leisure, he knows. In fact, he only not knew, he wrote in his diary to make me perform these all. So, everything is written, my timeline is just a page of his diary. Hard to believe!

I think not only me, all the child born in Hindu family are grown up with this concept and later start believing  and they too teach their children the same. I am too one of them, so I am also supposed to believe. Lots of questions are born in our daily life, whose answer is ,"Everything is written." What you did, what you are doing and what you will do, someone knows. But now it’s the time to question, "is everything written? how is everything is written? where is everything written?"

It's correct that as much times you repeat the question, you are closer to its answer. So, I found ,"everything is written," lacks in it which can be completed as "Everything is written in you and now it needs to be written by you." If everything is written, then why Balmiki worked hard for Ramayan and similarly Shakespeare struggled with his pen for Machbeth? The sentence may be right that your story is written within you and only you are able to read it and feel it anytime. But if you want to let the world know about you then it would be written as ,"Everything  needs to be written."

"What does your mother's love and father's care specially mean to you?", world needs to know through your feelings and your vocabulary. "Either you enjoyed your engineering or it was just an inspiration for your future studies", it’s the time to let the world feel your feelings. The events are same but the feelings are different. So, I want to let the world know ,"how I feel, when I am surrounded with my caring friends? when I am alone reading Palpasa café? how my heart beats, when I dance Kathak wearing Ghunghru? how my lips feel, when I smile? how my eyes feel, when I am in tears? how I feel, when there is battle of wills in my soul? how it feels, when there is emptiness?". I don’t know, somewhere there something is written or not but now I want to write everything.

We all need to write. How we have felt even the small incidents that occurred in our life and how we expect the upcoming events of our life. The questions are same for all of us. It depends, are we ready to share? "Whether it is written or not?" is not the whole question. The question is ,"Are you ready to write who you are?" 

Monday, October 26, 2015

जब आंसुको मोल रहेन।

छुटाएं ती नाताहरु
टुटाएं ती सपनाहरु,
पुछें ती आंसुहरु
मेटे ती यादहरु
निभाएं ती आशहरु,
बटुल्दै, जम्मा गरें
एकमुठ्ठी आत्मविश्वास,
चिरें अन्धकार र लागें
एउटा नयां लक्ष्यको खोज्मा,
जब आंसुको मोल रहेन।

सम्झांए त्यो नयनलाई,
त्यो सपना मात्र हो भन्दै,
सुरु गरें, नयां बाटो
हिड्दै, आफ्ना पाइला गन्दै,
खोजें यो मौनताबीच
आशाका स्वरहरु,
हराए, अन्धकारमय दिनहरु
ती अतीतका यादहरु,
जब आंशुको मोल रहेन।

आखिर, क्षणभरको मात्र जीवन
आंसु पिएरै कति बांच्नु,
भक्कानिएको मुटु
त्यहां माया कसरी सांच्नु,
म बाध्य भएं
नयां भविष्य रोज्न
नयां संसार खोज्न,
यी अनमोल भनाउंदा,
जब आंसुको मोल रहेन।

Saturday, October 24, 2015


With all the glory
how I achieved a life,
when I can't find me in me
I dare to ask
"Who am I?"
"Where am I?"
"How am I?"
"What am I?"
When I can't find any voice
The passive player, me
dares to ask, again
"Am I alive?"
"Is aliveness alive?"

The second thought,
arises, answering
A hope, I am living
A dream, I am pursuing
A thought, I am believing
A question, I am raising
aren't  these aliveness?
Yes, aliveness is alive.
And aliveness asks me,
"Are you alive?"

The next thought,
ceases me, inside me
all questions dead
all thoughts scattered,
raising the silence,
I dare to think again,
and start listening
a voice in me.
shall I believe, I am alive
I fear death, am I alive?
I have seen and heard,
women burnt for dowry
Couldn't  raise a single question, am I alive?
I have seen, worked for
the corrupted ones,
Couldn't  dare raising a protest, am I alive?
I can see, 
Children, without means of education
Couldn't  raise voice for them, am I alive?

So, I dare to doubt
again and again,
"Am I alive?"
"Is aliveness alive?"

My poisoned heart,
arises, answering me
with silence,
a complete silence.

The shot questions,
Alive emptiness,
I dare to ask again ,
I can see
Female feticide,
Domestic violence,
Sexual abuse,
and above all murders,
But all I care
Price tag of dress at Kathmandu mall,
Recent movie at QFX movie hall,
My settlement at Kathmandu,
That's why,
I suspect, my glory of life 
and dare to ask
"Am I alive?"
"Is my aliveness alive?"

Friday, October 16, 2015

म भविष्यवाणी गर्न सक्दिन।

म भविष्यवाणी गर्न सक्दिन, गर्न खोज्ने भए
सर्वप्रथम भुततिर जानेछु,
इतिहासका बिगतका पाना पल्टाई,
भविष्यका लागि अमरसिंह थापा बोलाउनेछु,
उनले लडेका सम्पुर्ण युद्धहरु हेर्नेछु,
लडाईमा चुहिएका उनका सम्पुर्ण रगत थोपामा नाप्नेछु,
शरीरमा लागेका घाउ संख्यामा गन्नेछु,
र सोध्छु आफैलाई "मैले यति थोपा पसिना बगाएको छु र?"
आफ्ना उत्तर पाएर, मौन भई म माफी माग्नेछु,
र प्रयास गर्नेछु देशका लागि भविष्यवाणी गर्न।

म भविष्यवाणी गर्न सक्दिन, गर्न खोज्ने भए
फेरी भुततिर जानेछु,
कौश्ल्यावती बनेर फेरी, पृथ्वी नारायण शाह जन्माउनेछु,
एकीकरण होइन, बाईसी चौबीसी राज्य बनाउनेछु,
नुवाकोटबाट गोर्खा छुट्टयाउनेछु,
र सोध्छु आफैलाई" मैले मेरो व्यक्तिगत प्रदेश पाएं कि नाई?"
आफ्ना उत्तर पाएर, लज्जित यो मेरो शिर निहुराउनेछु,
अनि प्रयास गर्नेछु देशका लागि भविष्यवाणी गर्न।

म भविष्यवाणी गर्न सक्दिन, गर्न खोज्ने भए
गीता,कोरान र बाइबल पल्टाउनेछु,
श्लोक, आयात र भर्स पढ्नेछु,
कुनै दिन येशुलाई रातो घण्टी फूल चढाएर, कोरान सुनाउनेछु,
सोध्नेछु मनभित्रको ईश्वरलाई "निर्जीव मुर्तीलाई खूशी पार्न मैले सजीव फूललाई मारेको छु??"
र त्यसदिन देखि म मानवता मात्र संगालनेछु,
अनि प्रयास गर्नेछु, देशका लागि भविष्यवाणी गर्न।

म भविष्यवाणी गर्न सक्दिन, गर्न खोज्ने भए
पत्रकार सम्मेलन बोलाउनेछु,
अगाडीको आसनमा एउटी कुमारी, अर्की विवाहिता र अर्की विधवा बसाउनेछु,
र प्रश्न गर्नेछु,
"यिनी सबैकालागि त्यही आरक्षणको तेतीस प्रतिशत होइन र,
जसमा कोही सपना सजाउंदै, कोही रमाउंदै र कोही अतित सम्झेर आंसु बगाउंदै छिन्",
र त्यसपछि म आदरसाथ संबोधन गर्दै आसनमा बोलाउनेछु,
घरमा बिरामी आमा पाल्दै गरेकी एक अविवाहिता,
जसले हरेक राती आमाको प्राण जोगाउन देहाव्यापार गर्छिन्,
र तिनका लागि आरक्षण होइन, तिनको कुमारीत्वको संरक्षण माग गर्नेछु,
र फेरि प्रयास गर्नेछु, देशका लागि भविष्यवाणी गर्न।

म भविष्यवाणी गर्न सक्दिन, गर्न खोज्ने भए
देशका सम्पुर्ण बालसंजाललाई बोलाउनेछु,
सबैको हातमा एकै किसिमका कलम र कापी दिनेछु,सबैलाई खान भनि एउटै खाना दिनेछु,
र सिकाइदिन्छु तिनलाई देशभक्ति को अर्थ, पढाइदिन्छु तिनलाई मानवताको पाठ,
कोही खाना पचाउन हिंड्ने सय पाइला,
र कोही खाना पाउन हिंड्ने सय पाइला को फरक देखाउनेछु,
र सोध्नेछु तिनलाइ मित्रता र न्यायको अर्थ,
भन्न नसके कसैले,त्यस दिन म सिकाउनेछु,
कोहि अल्फा, कोही बिटा र कोही गामा किन भए,
बुझ्न नसके उनले,
"जन्माइदेउ आफै अर्को क्वान्टम थ्योरी" भनेर भन्नेछु,
र फेरी अघि सर्नेछु, देशका लागि भविष्यवाणी गर्न।

म भविष्यवाणी गर्न सक्दिन, गर्न खोज्ने भए
म सगरमाथा चढेर, जानकी मन्दिरलाई ढोग्नेछु,
महोत्तरीको जलेश्वरमा बसेर, हुम्लाको सिमीकोट सम्झिनेछु,
चांदनी दोधारामा बसेर, इलामको चियाबारीको चित्र कोर्नेछु,
मनभित्र सजाउनेछु मेरो सिंगो नेपाल,
र लुम्बिनी गई मायादेवी मन्दिरमा बसेर, बुद्धलाई सम्झिंदै
प्रयास गर्नेछु, देशका लागि भविष्यवाणी गर्न।

म भविष्यवाणी गर्न सक्दिन, गर्न खोज्ने भए
ईंटहरु खोज्दै मेरो धरहरा र वसन्तपुर दरबार ठड्याउनेछु,
बांकी रहेका ईंटले, दोलखा र सिन्धुपाल्चोकमा घरहरु बनाउनेछु,
सबैले बसोबास पाएसी,कोशी र कर्णालीबाट जलविधुत निकाल्नेछु,
सबैको घर र मनलाइ उज्यालो बनाउनेछु,
ती मनका शक्तिबाट, काठमाडौंमा म मेट्रो चलाउनेछु,
मेट्रोबाट भएको कमाइले, म बाग्मती सफा गराउनेछु,
बाग्मती सफा गराई, म मेलमचीबाट पानी निकालनेछु,
देशको युवाको दक्षता देखाउनेछु,
ती युवावर्गलाई नै विश्वकप खेल्न पठाउनेछु,
विश्वकप जितेर, सुर्य चन्द्र भएको मेरो झण्डा विश्वसामु ल्याउनेछु,
अनि प्रयास गर्नेछु, देशका लागि भविष्यवाणी गर्न।

                                                                                                              Written By:
                                                                                                       Adarsh Mishra
Promisha Mishra


“There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a 
million ways to be a good one.”
—Jill Churchill
My girlhood blazes,
with the predilection
of nature,
to kindle the new life.

I abrogate,
your blasphemies,
and solve the enigma
of my incarnation,
to kindle the new life.
I accept,
your obdurate lessons,
just to be alive,
to kindle the new life. 

Hey! nature,
I can heed,
the cryptic movements,
inside my womb.
It's not an abstruse,
for me now,
to catch you
you kindle the new life.
Hey! nature,
Is it the same
my cycle's blood,
getting a life in it?
you kindled the new life.

My covert girlhood blazes,
to kindle the new life.

तिम्रो शहर।

छचल्किने यी आंसु,
रसाउने यी आंखा,
जब परेलीहरुले छोप्छन्,
अनि पुग्छ मस्तिष्क,
तिम्रो शहर।

जहां आग्मनका हरेक पाइलामा
स्वागत हुन्छ,
जहां बित्ने हर क्षणमा,
समर्पण हुन्छ,
जहां महसुस गर्छु
"रानी हुं म यस शहरकी"
किनकी यो शहर हो,
तिम्रो शहर।

Image credit:

हो त्यही शहर,
केवल तिम्रो शहर,
जहां आभाष गरें,
म रानी होइन,
यात्री रहिछु,
म आफ्नी होइन्,
पराई रहिछु,
म बासिन्दा होइन,
पाहुना रहिछु,
म सर्वोपरि होइन,
आगन्तुक रहिछु,
अनि हुन्छ चसक्क मुटु
जब सत्यसंग सामना गर्छु,
रमाउने त्यो मुटुलाई,
म असत्यसंग परिचिय गर्न बाध्य हुन्छु,
र सम्झाउंछु,
क्षण भरको अन्धकार हो,
आखिर फेरी उज्यालो हुनेछ,
र यात्राको अन्त्य बन्नेछ,
त्यही शहर,
तिम्रो शहर।

बुझ्न सकिनछु,
आखिर त्यो राम्रो स्वप्न मात्र रहेछ,
सम्झिन सकिनछु,
आखिर म त्यस शहरकी यात्री रहिछु,
स्वप्न को जीवन हुदैन,
यात्रीको ठहर हुदैन,
अनि विछोडमा विचल्ली हुन्छ,
फेरी पुग्न खोज्छ मन,
त्यही स्वप्न शहर,
मेरो भावको रहर,
यात्री मुटुको ठहर,
तिम्रो शहर।

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Untold Fairytales

A verse dedicating to all the girls who fought for women's right and dared to be the change they want :

Awaited: my heart
Serene: my soul
thou untold fairy-tales,
buried in thy insularity,
with patriarch times,
where there lives
the intrepid girl,
who dares to fall
& rule the world,
not being the queen
who marries a king,
who never awaits
for her prince.
Who never fails
to be feminine,
who never cursed
her maternity,
& proves the world
"females are never commodity."

Wavering: my hands
Shivering: my body
Thou wars of identity
stories of inferiority
history of her betrayed inadequacy
Covered in the shades of minority
Named as the second gender of world
In the world of so called
“the ruler’s world”
But they stood,
for their fights
Alone in the world of no rights
Who knew ‘All are equal’
From the nature
From the god
Who built the human race.
Who is sure
About her existence,
About her importance,
As a mother
for this world
To continue forever
To establish a sequence
And provide evidence
Of her equality.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Let me try!

Let me try,
to collapse
the banal dreams,
which I & you created.
Which burdened my mind,
after you failed to realize,
thou were alive.

Let me try,
to abscond,
from thou world,
just for some time,
to hide my pains,
to heal my mind,
to cry my heart
until I find a new life.

Let me try,
to be brave,
so that
I can face
everyone like you,
during  thy life.

Let me try
to burnish the dreams,
which are mine
& only mine.

Let me try
to write
my words
so you can know,
she is alive
with her dreams,
she is polite
with her obdurate limbs,
she can fly
with her own wings,
she can survive
with her reverent learning's,
she can create
her own spring,
She can trust
her latent feelings.

Yeah! let me try,
just let me try.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Janakpur to Kathmandu

Regular phone calls were not sufficient for us then, I just wanted to meet him. Because this time if I missed to meet him then I won't get a chance even to see him at least for 2 years because my best friend, Nripesh was going Canada for his further studies. Travelling to kathmandu was full of risks but for everything you have to pay something. So this time I prepared my bag  full of risks. In order to reach kathmandu I have to be at Bardibas first, which seemed nearly impossible due to Madhesh Band for some kind of protest. Somehow, one of my friend agreed to drop me. We were supposed to leave Janakpur at 4:30 AM, so that we can travel safely. I did the same and finally after a ride of 1 hour I was at Bardibas, where I felt that now I can sure be at Kathmandu after some hours. My friend returned. We waved goodbye to each other and I did not forget to thank him.

I have been working at Mahottari since a year, so the bus owner recognized me and gave me the ticket for the front seat on A side easily. I asked him about who is sharing the seat with me. He gave a look at ticket book and answered with smile, "Madam, it’s a girl, nearly 20 years old, she had written her name as Swapna." I entered the bus, there she was. She was at window seat, I took the next one beside her.

I was excited. I called Nripesh. He picked. Before he even speaks a single word, I told him"Hey! I am at bardibas now and I took the bus, so now it's sure that we are going to meet before you leave Nepal." He was too happy after hearing that and wished me to have a safe journey. It was one of the happiest moment of my life so I decided to celebrate it with some Cadbury. I picked it up from my purse, and after unwrapping it I asked to have some to Swapna. After all she was the partner of my journey. She had it with a smile and thanked me. Suddenly she asked me "Are you headed to Kathmandu?"

I answered, "May be not today. Actually I have to meet my sis Pragati at Narayanghat, so after meeting her I will go there tomorrow." At the instant her face became dark. I couldn't get it.

I asked her, "Are you okay? "

Politely she answered, "Yeah! I am. "

But her face had a very different expression and I had no idea how to handle the situation. I again gave her a smile but there seemed no change at her facial expression. She asked me for my name. I answered, "Promisha."
After a while she told, "Actually I am afraid of men. So I asked you that whether you are travelling with me to Kathmandu or not. I will feel safe if you can travel to Kathmandu."

I knew that most of the girls feel unsafe when the beside seat is taken by unknown men. But she really seemed frightened. It was not a casual expression for any girl. My curiosity did not let me to be silent. I asked her, "Why are you so much afraid with that simple issue? Later we have to work with men at office. Everywhere in the world we need to face men. You are afraid for just a single journey of some hours. A girl should not be afraid ever at least of men."

She answered, "Yeah! I know all these. But I am afraid of men always, either at my home or other places."

I was shocked. Her part of the sentence "at my home" stroke my mind. I asked her, "Why should you be afraid at your home. I am not getting your point dear. Men are not always bad. I am headed to Kathmandu to meet my friend and he is a boy. So don't be afraid ever."

She answered, "I heard you talking on phone. That sounds good when a girl is not afraid of men and trust them equally. But everyone is not lucky as much as you. Sometimes they have very bitter experience only because they are girl and I am one of them. So I trust an animal too if it is only female."

My curiosity aroused with her answer. I asked again, "Hey sis, Can I have a chance to know why are you afraid of males? Your reason cannot be a simple a reason. So, if you allow I want you to share with me your reason. May be I can help you and I can introduce you to some males who really respect female more than them and they don't just show it. They really mean it from their heart."

She nodded. After a minute, she told me that she will share everything if and only if I will travel to Kathmandu with her. Without a delay of second, I told her, "Ok, sure. I will meet my sister while returning."

 She started.

My love story started when I was 13 and a student of class 7.He was my crush when I had entered Samprada English Boarding School. You know, the best part of adolescent age is your crush proposing you. Before I could think something I accepted his proposal. Later I realized that I was in love. We started to enjoy our relationship as others do. We used to bring chocolates for each other and shared it while talking. He was a complete science lover and  I had never interest in any topic of science. But we enjoyed our company. The best days continued for a year.

I never told my mom about my relationship. One of our neighboring aunty complained my mom that she found me at Children park with a boy. My mom inquired me about that either I have been to Children park. I answered her that I have been there with my friend and he was a boy. My mom advised me not to be anywhere with any boy because the society had problem with it and later it will be problem for my family when they would search a life partner for me. I did not care her words because if the society has problem they should search for their solution and I have found my life partner who loved me. So I neither stopped to love him nor having fun with him.

Later my mom had to face a lot of questions from the neighbors. One day my mom asked me, "Is there a guy in your life?" I was confused if I tell them the truth I will be punished and if I cheat them I won't be able to face myself. So I did the worst decision of my life instantly. I told her the truth. She slapped me. I had no idea how to make it smooth. She asked me about the boy. I told her everything. Mom seemed more angry when I told her about him. With a very loud voice she scolded me, "I can't believe this my daughter loves a non-Brahmin boy. You know better that you are born in a Brahmin family and they have to follow the rules of their ancestors. And the most strict rule is that they are neither allowed to love non-Brahmins nor to marry them and the daughters who don’t obey it the family calls them whore. Either you stop it instantly or I will punish you badly if it is continued."

I was never interested in cast system. Neither I had much idea about it. I just knew that I belonged from a Brahmin family and I was the daughter of a widow of a Brahmin family. My mother herself couldn't wear any colorful sari or use any cosmetic just because her husband was not alive. I felt tortured with this Brahmanism where woman had no life without their men. After a while I realized that my love is non-Brahmin. I was happy.  

I stopped meeting him. But I was in contact through phone calls. One day our maternal grandfather came to visit us and he found me chatting with him. He complained my mom and strictly ordered her to take me out of the city so that I won't be able contact him. Mom told her that my studies will be disturbed but he advised her that your daughter had committed a crime and that was loving a guy. She couldn't afford me study at other cities so they decided to take me at either at maternal or paternal house at village. Before I could defend they took me to maternal place. Later I realized it was a village where no phone contacts or any kind of contacts with him. I cried a lot but none of them was ready to hear that. My life was bound within the walls of that house.

Mom dropped me there and returned back to her place. My tears did not count anything to her. So, I concluded "She is a Brahmin woman bound with oaths and bondages who delivered me." Motherhood was just a single word there. I could see love for me in my mother's eyes but her ears had not been able to hear my voice. I wanted to make her understand, "Mom, this is Brahmanism." I knew she loved me more than herself but she had no choice as me.

It was quite difficult for me to adjust with that family but I had no choice. I just cried for him and my mom. The persons who loved me were no more in my life. They were away from me. I kept crying but no solution. After a week, my maternal uncle arrived there during holiday from his job. He used to visit me in my room when I acted like sleeping. One morning he asked me, "Do you like him so much?" and suddenly he touched my hands. I felt uncomfortable. I tried to pull my hands but couldn't success. I asked him to leave my room but his hands were approaching my cheeks. I was not feeling good. I told him, "Uncle! please leave me." He replied, "I will love you more than him and buy you more gifts." I had no idea what was going. He touched to private parts of my body. I was feeling some kind of pain but I couldn't do anything. I kept silent.

 Later It was regular with me. He used to visit almost all night my room and put his hands inside my t-shirt and played with my breasts and I felt pain then and even now. He tried to kiss me so many times but somehow I have always been able to not let him kiss me. I was abused each night but my mom had misconception that I was in a safe place. Almost all the time I prayed, "Please! not today, not again with me." I tried to share it with my aunt but could not. I never had words to share it. I did not know how to share it and what could be the best words to say it properly. I tried so many times to share it with the family but I never been successful. There were so many members in my family who were literally dedicated to care me but each night I was sexually abused.

Once having some courage I told part of these things to my grandmother. But the reactions were opposite. She scolded me as much as she can. I still remember her words they were ,"I can't believe you are my daughter's daughter. Look at her she did not talk with men even she is working in office. You are a whore. You loved a guy who was not Brahmin and we gave you place to live and you have started to ruin my family." She even threatened me that if I tried to share it with someone then I will be punished badly. I was punished each night so I did not have courage for more punishment. I kept silent. My silence and my tears were my best friends those days.

Almost after a month mom came to meet me. She brought some gifts for me. I did not accept a single gift. Because gifts had the different meaning in my life those days. Gifts meant to me first pain then gift. My uncle too used to bring chocolates for me each night and left it there after his entertainment. Mom was transferred to her central office at Kathmandu for 5 years so she had came to take me there.

Just a month of my life made me understand the relation between men and pain for girls. So, when I see any men near me I just associate it with pain. I tried so many times to say it to my mom but never been able there too. I always thank god that my father died during an accident when I was developing inside my mother's uterus and my mom had no child other than me. Specially she does not have any son. I feel good that there are no men at my home. And I feel better that I am a student of Padma Kanya Campus.

Almost both of us were in tears when she ended her story. I kissed her forehead and travelled to Kathmandu.  

Thursday, October 1, 2015

घुंघटो भित्रको कथा ।

बजारको सबैभन्दा महगों साडी
मेरो लागि किनिएछ,
किनकि देख्नुछ यो समाजलाई,
फेरी घुंघटो भित्र सजिएकि
एक सजीव चित्रको कथा,
लेख्नुछ यो समाजलाई,
फेरी घुंघटो भित्र बांधिएकि
एक लाचार पवित्र को कथा।

हे ईश्वर, तिम्रो यो कस्तो न्याय,
मैले संसार देख्नुछ
तर घुंघटोभित्र बसेर,
आरक्षणमा पाएका सरकारी जागिर खानुछ
तर घुघंटोलाई सम्हालेर,
पतिलाई रिझाउनछ
तर घुंघटोलाई मानेर,
घरलाई स्वर्ग बनाउन छ
तर घुंघटो नउठाएर,
किनकी सुनाउनेछ यो समाजले,
फेरी घुंघटो भित्र जीवन बनाएकी
अर्की विचित्रको कथा।

हो म पापिनी हुं,
मारेकी छु मैले म भित्रको मेरै रुपलाई,
खुशी छु म उसको मृत्युमा,
बग्ने आंसुलाई म सम्झाउंदैछु,
मृत्यु संगै पाएको, उनको स्वतन्त्रको कथा,
घुंघटोबाट मुक्त भई, नलेखि च्यातिएका पत्रको कथा,
सजीवबाट निर्जीव भएकी, उही पवित्रको कथा,
घुंघटोबाट मुक्त भएकी, मेरी मित्रको कथा।